We shall not pay under any section of this Policy for loss arising directly or indirectly as a result of or in connection with:
1. War, Civil War, invasion, insurrection, revolution, use of military power or usurpation of government or military power, direct participation in strike, riot and civil commotion;
2. Riding or driving in any kind of motor racing, competition, engaging in a professional capacity in any sport where an Insured Person would or could earn income or remuneration from engaging in such sport as a source of income;
3. An Insured Person who is a Terrorist or a member of a terrorist organization; any illegal or unlawful act by the Insured Person;
4. Dental care or surgery unless necessitated by an Accident (excluding denture and related expenses) to sound and natural teeth;
5. An Insured Person engaging in naval, military or air force service or operations; armed force service, other than for reservist training under the Section 14 of the Enlistment Act, Chapter 93 of Singapore;
6. Piloting or serving as a crewmember or riding in any aircraft except as a fare paying passenger on a regularly scheduled airline;
7. Any loss which occurs while the Insured Person is in the Republic of Iraq or the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan;
8. Any Injury which arises in the course of Your occupation if Your occupation falls under Occupational Class 4;
9. Engaging in aerial activity other than as a passenger in any properly licensed private and/or commercial aircraft;
10. Suicide or attempted suicide or intentional self-injury, or from deliberate exposure to exceptional danger (except in an attempt to save human life), or is sustained while the Insured Person is in a state of insanity;
11. Any criminal, intentional or illegal act and breaking of any government laws and regulations on Your part;
12. Any treatments arising from pregnancy, miscarriage (except if miscarriage is caused by an Accident as provided under this Policy), abortion, childbirth, sterilization, contraception as well as treatment for infertility;
13. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or AIDS Related Complex (ARC) or any infection by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV);
14. Provoked assault, intoxication, drugs abuse or insanity;
15. General check-up, convalescence, custodial or rest cure;
16. Any congenital anomalies or physical impairment;
17. Any mental, psychiatric and/or nervous disorders including anxiety or depression, sleep disorders, alcoholism and drug related treatment;
18. Pre-existing Condition;
19. Any kind of disease, Illness, virus, bacterial or any other kind of infection howsoever caused (with the exception of Poisoning and Insects/Animals Bite);
20. Any loss, damage, injury or liability directly or indirectly caused or contributed to by ionizing radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel, including any self-sustaining process of nuclear fission or the use of any nuclear weapons material;
21. Driving or riding as a passenger in or on any vehicle engaged in any race, speed test or endurance test.